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How to Find the Wedding Dress of Your Dreams

How to Find the Wedding Dress of Your Dreams

You’ve pictured your wedding day a million times since you were a little girl. Your favorite song announces your arrival at a stunning venue. Family and friends are in awe as you move gracefully down the aisle. Your soon-to-be husband’s eyes begin to tear up as he glimpses his radiant bride for the first time in a breathtaking wedding dress.

Shopping for a wedding dress is one of the most memorable moments for a bride-to-be. You don’t need to feel the pressure of wedding planning when dress shopping. Instead, keep this precious occasion beautiful and effortless, a fun memory to hold close to your heart.

Here are our best tips to help you find the wedding dress of your dreams.

Build your vision

Ball gown princess, curve-hugging sexiness, bohemian vibes...there are sooo many different dress styles out there. Where do you even begin? 

Start your wedding dress search by doing your homework. Hit up good ol’ Pinterest and get immediate access to oodles of wedding dress inspo. Call us and ask any questions you can think of - trust us, any question is a good question! Don't be afraid to rip some pages out of a bridal magazine! 

Just find the visuals that speak to you and start a collection of ideas. Is there a common theme you’re beginning to notice with your choices? Lots of lace? Form fitting or voluminous? Lots of sparkle or simple, clean designs? Take note and bring your ideas to your first appointment to show your stylist!

Know your budget

How much money are you looking to spend on your dream dress? Before you start booking appointments with bridal boutiques, sit down and get transparent with the numbers in order to avoid potential miscommunication or disappointment. Be sure the bridal store you schedule an appointment with has a good variety of gowns in your budget range! Keep in mind who is paying for your wedding dress- you, your family, your groom? Does the person paying have a say in what gown you select? If so, make sure to bring them along to your appointment.

Inflate your set budget a bit to accommodate other costs. Your wedding gown is one cost, but be sure to remember to budget $300-$600 for standard alterations, which every gown needs to be perfect for you! You also might want a veil, a new pair of shoes and jewelry to finish your look.

Stay open & enjoy

Shopping for a wedding dress is supposed to be fun, not stressful! It can be easy to conjure up an ideal picture of what you want and become so focused on perfection, that we forget what a wedding dress is all about. Its about finding something you feel confident and beautiful in, to marry your best friend! 

The key is to stay open minded when looking at dresses. Often times, a bride will come into a bridal boutique with a set idea of the type of dress she wants, only to fall in love and leave the shop with a completely different style. 

Have ideas for what you want, but don’t be afraid to try a broad range of styles or take suggestions from your stylist. 

As well, don’t fret too much about the numbers on the scale or the sizing of a dress! Go with what looks good on you, not what the latest trend is. If you plan on losing weight before your wedding, buy the size that fits you at the time instead of sizing down. It’s much easier to take a dress in, rather than find a way to let it out. The right dress will help you feel beautiful as you are, right now! 

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